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£65 - Acupuncture on its own (allow up to 1 Hour mins)
£65 - Acupuncture on its own (allow up to 1 Hour mins)
Acupuncture treatment has been used for many years and was originally used in ancient Chinese medicine. The treatment aims to restore, promote and maintain good health.
The body produces natural substances, such as pain-relieving endorphins when receiving acupuncture/ dry needling. It's likely that these naturally released substances are responsible for the beneficial effects experienced with acupuncture. Fine needles are used to help treat musculoskeletal pain such as sporting injuries, back pain, joint pain, tension headaches and Migraines, Frozen Shoulder, Arthritis and much more. Acupuncture is used by practitioners who deal with pain and injury management as the treatment reduces inflammation, pain and accelerates the body’s natural healing process. There has been a lot of research and sound evidence which has shown that most people gain pain relief and increased well-being from receiving acupuncture treatment, however please be aware the this is not guaranteed. It is said this is mainly due to releases of chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin. No pain should be felt during treatment; however you may feel a minor pin prick as the needles entre the body and a dull ache sensation can be felt during treatment. Acupuncture can be used along other treatments such as massage, mobilisation techniques and rehabilitation. Your therapist may suggest this is the best course of action for your injury. Benefits: • Releases musculoskeletal pain • Relaxes your body and mind • Increase endorphins and serotonin releases • Reduces joint pain • Reduces tension headaches and migraines • Aid healing of injuries |